Primal Care Skin Balm relieves and restores dry, cracked skin and lips, callouses, abrasions and minor burns. It is totally natural and biologically compatible with your skin. Absolutely no petrochemicals!

Unscented Tallow shown. Also available in Taos Pines, Desert Garden, and Facial Blend fragrances.
Read our article in Mother Earth News!
Only two ingredients:
The main ingredient in Primal Care Skin Balm, buffalo tallow, is rendered from grass-fed American Bison. The bison are free-ranging and have never been fed antibiotics or hormones. Tallow is a complex substance containing fat soluble vitamins, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory factors.
Jojoba oil is derived from a desert shrub. Like tallow, it contains many complex botanical properties. It is used to soften and condition the tallow. Jojoba oil has anti-inflammatory qualities and can minimize fine lines and wrinkles. The oil promotes suppleness, rejuvenation and moisture retention in the skin.
Primal Care Skin Balm not only feels good, but, unlike chemical preparations, this skin care product IS ACTUALLY GOOD FOR YOU!